Posts in Awards
From Flames to Fame: Navigating Personal Challenges and Celebrating Professional Milestones

Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Friends,

I trust this message finds you in better shape than I currently am!

The opening act of my 2024 could best be described as a dramatic blend of misfortune and triumph. A few days back, I engaged in an unscheduled tango with adversity, resulting in first-degree burns on my left hand. Thankfully, my quick dancing footwork spared my face and eyes from making an unwanted cameo in this fiery dance. My recovery playlist for the next 3 to 4 months features a heavy rotation of bandage wraps and the hit single, "Every 2 to 3 Days at the Medical Center." Let's just say, I've inadvertently kick-started a new trend in hand accessories.

On a brighter note, amidst this personal pyrotechnic mishap, I received a beacon of excellent news. EC-Council, my training courses vendor I've been in harmony with for the past two decades, has decided to encore my performance with the prestigious Instructor Circle Of Excellence Award 2023 ( This isn't my first tour with this accolade, but let me tell you, this time it feels like I've gone platinum.

This award is the proverbial cherry atop a Sundae of two decadent, fulfilling decades with EC-Council products. It's a testament to the incredible feedback loop we've created together—your support, incredible student feedback, critiques, and applause have been instrumental in this achievement. For that, I owe you all a standing ovation.

So, as I juggle my new, somewhat less desirable role as a part-time mummy (of the bandaged variety) and a full-time Cybersecurity Professional, I look forward to what the future holds. Here's to more accolades, hopefully less spontaneous combustion, and a reminder that sometimes, life throws you a curveball—or in my case, a fireball—but we always come out stronger (and perhaps a bit more charred).

Thank you once again for your unwavering support.

May our future endeavors be accident-free and our victories plentiful.

Toasting to our continued success and safety


Dimitrios Zacharopoulos